massive attack

美 [ˈmæsɪv əˈtæk]英 [ˈmæsɪv əˈtæk]
  • 网络大规模攻击;大举进攻;强烈冲击;大肆进攻
massive attackmassive attack
  1. No long Gang wars , just a single massive attack .


  2. and a massive attack is imminent.Sorry , but the holiday is over ...


  3. The only women represented were female members of groups like The Pixies and Massive Attack .


  4. Massive Attack electronic music event teaser .


  5. There are echoes of " Witch " in the work of later " 90s artists like Massive Attack and Portishead ;


  6. Under the terms of the agreement , both sides will pull back their armed forces to the positions held before the fighting broke out earlier this month , when Georgia launch a massive attack on the Russia-backed breakaway province South Ossetia .


  7. He died six weeks later of a massive heart attack .


  8. Frank had been struck down by a massive heart attack .


  9. One evening she suddenly collapsed from a massive heart attack .


  10. A few days later my mother died of a massive heart attack .


  11. He died of a massive heart attack in the middle of the night .


  12. He suffered a massive heart attack .


  13. Then , on a Sunday in October , he had a massive heart attack .


  14. He had a massive heart attack in the office and died with his boots on .


  15. I had only returned a couple of months when my mother had a massive heart attack and died .


  16. The American actress , 32 , died on Sunday at her Hollywood Hills home after suffering what appeared to be a massive heart attack .


  17. days later , her husband of 40 years , John Gregory Dunne , sat down for dinner and collapsed , dead from a massive heart attack .


  18. We were sitting in the living room when the phone rang ; a message that my father had suffered a massive heart attack and died at age seventy-nine .


  19. The Pentagon also believes the Chinese military was behind a massive cyber attack last year on a computer network that serves the office of Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .


  20. NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports France says the massive chemical attack near Damascus last month could not have been ordered and carried out by anyone but the Syrian government .


  21. The tan to white areas of myocardial scarring seen from the endocardial surface here represent a remote healed myocardial infarction . Then , on a Sunday in October , he had a massive heart attack .


  22. A good friend of mine called me today and shared that his girlfriend 's brother passed away last night . He was married , with two young children . He died of massive heart attack in the middle of the night . And he was only 44 years old .


  23. On Monday , the South Korean military held artillery drills in the disputed waters around the Yeonpyeong island , the target of the massive North Korean attack in November .
